Swedish students must have planned the spread of infection

Swedish students must have planned the spread of infection
Swedish students must have planned the spread of infection

PARTY MOOD: The Swedish students who are said to have planned to be infected with the coronavirus themselves, hoped to develop antibodies so that they could carry out the “student”, the Swedes’ own Russian celebration. Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

In the hope of developing antibodies and soon being able to attach again, Swedish students in Östersund have planned to be infected with the coronavirus.

This article was published 20.11.2020 at 12:52. On the same day at 14:54, it became known that the police had dropped the case against the students, as neither the names of the students nor the school were stated in the report.

The police have now created a report after students at an upper secondary school in Östersund in Sweden have planned to spread corona infection.

The plan was to seek out infected people and become infected themselves, and then spread the virus further, writes SVT.

This is to become immune to the coronavirus, so that they could carry out the “student” – the Swedish Russian celebration – as normal.

Currently, no students have the status of suspects or accused. However, the police state that they will investigate the case further this week.

– An investigator will work with this this week, says investigation leader Niklas Stjernlöf to SVT.

Student council leader at Jämtlands gymnas, Monica Sandström, told SVT that she is not familiar with the “infection stunt” of the students.

However, she says that many students are now tired of measures and distance learning, and that she is aware that several have expressed that they hope that they get antibodies so that you can party until the summer.

Sandström reacts to the fact that her classmates have tried to organize the spread of infection.

– It feels incredibly disrespectful to other people. It is ignorance, even among adults, that leads to the spread of infection. You think that this does not affect yourself, and that it is something that only happens in Stockholm, but it does happen even here in Jämtland County, says Sandström.

Published: 30.11.20 kl. 12:52

Updated: 30.11.20 at 16:19

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Source link by https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/VqgWo6/svenske-elever-skal-ha-planlagt-smittespredning-naa-anmeldes-de

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